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The world doesn’t just need news. It needs explanation. That’s why curious audiences have flocked to Vox Media Explainers — over 1.5 billion times in 2017 alone. Blending research, reporting, insight, personality, and humanity, Explainers help people understand the most complicated topics swirling around us every day. Since launching in fall 2017, The Explainer Studio has harnessed that proven form of storytelling for brands, connecting you to the curious class.

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Average time spent on branded Explainers

chatgpt怎么用- 坚果海外加速器


惊!游客爬梯翻墙进西安法门寺 场面如攻城拔寨_视频中国 ...:2021-2-12 · 大年初一游客在法门寺翻墙的场面,被网友戏称如攻城拔寨 网友“leich”摄 围墙外架设了不少的梯子,游客翻墙而入 华商网网友“牛儿不吃草”摄

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python 写爬虫爬国外网站伕理问题-CSDN论坛:2021-11-1 · 采集外网数据一直比较难,偶然通过淘宝知道这个软件,试了下,还不错。 ... 2.3 k8s组件总结第三节 K8s基础概念3.1 pod的概念3.2 网络通讯方式第四节 环境的基本安装4.1 梯子获取4.2 Koolshare软路由安装 ...

What's an explainer?

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Ignite their curiosity

带游客逃票、搭梯子翻墙 香山公园里拉黑活太猖獗_中国经济 ...:2021-4-18 · 带游客逃票 搭梯子翻墙 载客闯防火道 香山公园里拉黑活太猖獗 带领游客翻墙而过。 两名喊活儿的(左、中)正在登记游客数量。 春季的香山,虽然已没有漫山红叶,但苍翠中装点着新绿,应和着山桃、山杏的绽放,别有一番情致。

Go deeper than the brand

They tell a story that interweaves our editorial voice (and writers’ voices) with your brand essence — a story that’s thorough, factual, relevant, visual, and personal.

Give Them Something to Take with Them

It’s all designed to elicit an “aha!” from the audience, leaving them brimming with newfound knowledge, expertise, and awareness of your message.

Explainers for brands

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Your brand is a world of innovation, activation, insights, creativity and utility. You have interesting things to say — about what you do, why you do it, and your place in the universe of sports, food, design, entertainment, and tech. And you need an interesting way to say those things.


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3M — Why Silence Is A Luxury

Go inside a facility devoted to studying the science of silence and find out how silence actually becomes golden.


AT&T — Protection from the most dangerous hacking

Medical data is actually worth more to hackers than credit card information.


MailChimp — The myth of nature’s second brain, exposed

Paleontologists were wrong that stegosauruses carried a second brain, but MailChimp automates small business needs — a second brain for your business.


Zelle — The many odd and surprising forms of currency

Squirrels? Salt? Parmesan cheese? Currency has changed dramatically, and now Zelle lets you send and receive money in minutes.


American Express — The Value Of Experiences

Studies show that spending money on experiences is consistently more rewarding than spending on material goods. So is this happiness you can buy?

Interested in more videos?
Follow The Explainer Studio on YouTube.


How it works

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Multi-platform distribution

Premium programming and amplification across Vox Media's house of brands, major social platforms, and Concert.

Turnkey efficiency & value

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Nielsen brand studies that optimize for brand life. Real-time measurement and optimization from our team of engagement editors and analysts.

Contact us

For any press inquiries,
please reach out to:

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